steps nancy bouwens Simpliciity Coach

What Can You Change Today?

Living a simple life requires intentionality and a willingness to change. In a world where busy is king and hurry is queen, simplicity and slow will bring up the rear in the race of life every time.

In a culture which feeds selfishness it will take a collection of intentional choices each day to create a way of living where you are not sucked into the vacuum of an out of balance life.

Are you in a vacuum? Nancy Bouwens Simplicity Coach
Photo Credit- CC0 Public domain

An intentional life begins with several key steps

Lay a solid foundation. Whether you are building a home or assembling a BBQ grill, if you don’t correctly follow a set of instructions and lay a proper foundation your desired outcome will be far from what you have envisioned in your mind.

Allow yourself grace. Rome was not built in a day and a big ship takes a long time to turn. Start to live more intentionally in small incremental  ways. You will be AMAZED at the changes you will see by taking just a few tiny steps in a different direction.

See possible. What areas can you shift and see progress almost immediately? If you knew you could not fail, what would your life look like? Begin. Shut down the gremlins who whisper “failure and fear“?

Change my friend is messy, scary and oh so wonderful if we lean into the possibility found each day at sunrise. Some days I want to stop, quit and simply give up and give in. It would be easier to stay in bed with the covers over my head and start over in 24 hours.

steps nancy bouwens Simpliciity Coach
Photo Credit CC0 Public Domain

This journey of ours toward a simpler, slower and more intentional life takes perseverance and courage. Life is better when done with another. When God created man he said it was not good for him to be alone and if you allow me a little liberty with this beautiful story, I believe it is not good for any of us to do life alone.

We need each other. I believe it is possible for you to create a life you love and one which is a delight to your soul. You, special person are a fabulous, beautiful, created in the image of God human being and are greatly loved by Him.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous–how well I know it.  Psalm 139:14

Challenge; Journal (I love my black leather Moleskine) or share with a friend (you know the one you told all about this amazing blog where this very cool writer person is sharing about why living an intentional life is the best?) 

  • What is your foundation made out of? Is there rebuilding which needs to happen so it can be strong enough to hold the life you are creating?
  • How do you show yourself grace when you begin to take steps toward change?
  • Who will you bring along side of you to speak possible into your soul when your eyes only see your past failure?

Share in the comments, share this blog and share your life with someone you love today!







all affiliate links are for items I know and love personally. 


  1. Beautiful post as always. I will be journaling tonight. Thanks so much!

    1. Journaling is one of the best ways to slow down for a moment. I have tried journals on my lap (Day One) which I like.. but my favorite is my plain, very simple black leather one.. with my favorite pen of course.

      Blessings… write on!

  2. Slow, simplify, intentional, silence…all concepts on my mind and being cultivated. thank you Nancy for cheering me on. Peace.

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